CASE STUDY 1: finger body art removal
top left: “before” photo
top middle: immediately after 1st treatment
top right: early scabbing; stage 1 aftercare
bottom middle: scab fell off; stage 2 aftercare
bottom right: partial healing; stage 2 aftercare
CASE STUDY 2: neck body art removal: cross and wings
CASE STUDY 3: barbed wire body art
CASE STUDY 4: Genghis Khan body art peel
CASE STUDY 5: POST LASER: ongoing treatment where 12 painful laser removal sessions have failed to remove the body art
Watch this space for future photographs in this intriguing case study.
The tattoo is over 15 years old. The ink pigments have been pushed deep into the dermis by the 12 laser treatments over a period of 2 years, so the removal process is expected to take a little longer than is normally necessary.
However, the initial scabbing process went well and the 2nd cycle of treatment will see a focus on the areas which did not scab as well the first time around.